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Dec 22 - Jan 19
Capricorn is an earth sign, ruled by the taskmaster of the zodiac, Saturn. You can be very concerned with “right“ and “wrong,” so much so that you’re inclined to be hard on yourself and others. You are very traditional, though you are also quite independent. Your sign is ambitious and strives to be the master of all domains. Many people think that you are unemotional but it isn’t true—you simply try to manage your emotional expression. While you’re not exactly patient, you have a solid long game that you fall back on that enables you to delay gratification.








They say that Capricorn doesn’t play hard to get—you are hard to get! You’re slow to warm up but when you’re in, you’re all in. You tend to display love with your actions more than your words. Loyal and steadfast, you tend to say what you mean and mean what you say. You can marry for stability and security instead of for passionate love, and that’s OK as long as you don’t compromise your happiness along the way.


Hard-working and ambitious, a happy Capricorn is a Cap with a goal. You do best when you’re working towards an achievable marker, and of all the signs are best suited to building an empire. You’re capable of committing yourself completely to a task and not quitting until it’s done right. You are resourceful, can manage details, and when you’re invested, you’re unstoppable. The key is to find the right place to devote all that energy.


If the sign or the planet Saturn were afflicted in the birth chart, the results would be opposite to the above-mentioned qualities. They tend to be pessimistic, suspicious, resentful, stubborn and self centered. Gloominess, loneliness, desperation, disappointments and feeling of insecurity and depressions also mark their personality and these things could cause sleeplessness, digestive disorders, blood pressure, diabetes and melancholy at times.