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Nov 22 – Dec 21
Your sign is a fire sign that’s associated with travel and adventure. No wonder because your ruling planet is expansive Jupiter. You thrive in wide open spaces, in the face of new and interesting ideas, or when you get to travel and experience different ways of living. Trouble only comes up when you feel bored or trapped. You’re a visionary but that can feel like a burden when you’re stuck in mundane routines or a life lacking adventure. If your enthusiasm for life goes quiet, it gets you down and makes you want to hide.








Romance is one of your favourite things, Sagittarius. Having adventures with someone that you care about is really exciting to you, but you can get annoyed by your sweetie if you have to compromise your autonomy. You can fudge the truth or be overly blunt when you’re upset, so keeping calm when things get heated is key.


Yours is the sign of the gambler and that can make you free and easy with money, even when you ought to be careful. As a result you tend to have periods of conservatism and cycles of big spending. That said, you’d rather have an awesome experience than be burdened with material objects. You’re a highly motivated worker when engaged, but it’s really hard for you to focus when you’re bored.


He always wants to feel free. He cannot stand the feeling of claustrophobia, either physical or emotional. His desire to explore the unknown may well be both physical and intellectual. His life must always have an element of challenge. It's not unusual for him to hold on to two jobs at one time. As he indulges in a great deal of intellectual exercise, he also needs to have a fair amount of physical exercise. Getting tired means, he is bored and requires a change. He must make efforts to keep this restlessness under control, as otherwise it will cause considerable unhappiness to himself as well as to his partner.