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Oct 23 – Nov 21
Yours is a totally misunderstood sign, Scorpio! People often think that you’re fire because of how intense you can be, but you are a highly sensitive water sign. Your ruling planet is transformative and powerful Pluto, and this accounts for why you feel things so deeply. Once you’re crossed you never forget, and often have to work hard on releasing your resentments so they don’t eat you up. Your tendency to be secretive—and even seem a little suspicious—can get you into trouble in your personal life, but keeping your cards close helps you get ahead in your career. Your tenacious nature helps you get the job done.








Trust in others is not an easy thing for you to feel, so when you have it you hold on tight. Your loyalty is fierce once it’s earned, and you hate ending relationships. Your ability to feel passion is as deep as your experience of pain, so it’s important for you to be choosy about who you let into your intimate life. As a highly sexual sign, you’re capable of enjoying brief but intense encounters with people.


At work you are thorough and ambitious, willing to stick with things until they are finished. You can be reactive, and have to make sure that you don’t alienate potential allies in your field with your fantastic side-eye. You can be excellent at saving money when you need it, but can also be compulsive with spending.


Scorpions have great personal magnetism. There is always something exciting, dynamic and fascinating about them. An element of mystery surrounds them. In the company of a Scorpio, others may feel the tremors of a volcano all set to erupt at any moment. If the ruling planet Mars is carrying evil aspects or afflicted badly or badly placed in ones nativity chart the effects would reflect the negative vibrations.